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Level 4 Qualified in Sports Massage Therapy

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

Congratulations to Jo on her achievement!

We are delighted to announce that Jo has achieved the Level 4 qualification in Sports Massage Therapy after studying at Bournemouth University alongside working with us at SoCo Therapies. This has equipped her with greater knowledge surrounding many soft tissue conditions, treatment of injuries and a range of new advanced techniques which help to provide long term treatment plans for clients.

A few words from Jo....

This recently acquired knowledge is allowing me to offer more targeted treatments for clients with specific conditions and injuries.

New techniques

Two of the advance techniques I have learned about:-

Soft tissue release involves moving the joint whilst applying pressure through the muscle, this is very helpful in removing sticky adhesions, scar tissue and re-aligning muscle fibres.

Muscle Energy Technique is a version of PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) stretching, it uses contraction of the muscle followed by deep breathing with simultaneous stretching to reset the end range of a muscle stretch. MET increases the range of movement available at a joint, improves flexibility and therefore helps to give clients more mobility.

A combination of these treatments can be particularly effective when used on many of the major muscle groups within the body.

Is Sports Massage right for you?

The vast majority of client's I see will benefit hugely from deep tissue massage. Having said that, I am passionate about my clients receiving the most suitable care and treatments for their situation and for that reason I will always refer them to another practitioner or the GP if I feel deep tissue massage therapy isn’t right for them.

Going Forward

The new techniques combined with effective post treatment exercises will enable me to provide an effective, long-term treatment plan for my clients with the goal of self-maintenance. I want my clients to be equipped with the knowledge to continue the good work on their own going forward, so they can lead a healthier, happier life.

If you 'd like to book in for a consultation to see if sports massage could help you then please call us on 01202 422000 or email us at


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